Business Partnership

For-profit entities in our community


Consigner Drop-Off Sponsor | Thursday May 1, 2pm-7pm (3 remaining)

-Company signage will be displayed at the drop off registration table where approx. 200+ consigners will be participating.
-This sponsorship should include a take home item for the consigners (ie, samples, coupon) or the opportunity to enter a giveaway.
-Logo placement on dedicated JBF Livonia/Novi sponsorship webpage.
-Company logo will appear as a sponsor on digital marketing, newsletters, and press releases.
-Includes 2 Prime Time shopping passes for you and your staff or your own giveaway


Family Expo Table | Saturday May 3, 10am-6pm (6 remaining)

-Marketing table (6' long) during our General Admission day, 10am-6pm
-Option to provide promotional materials to shoppers in the form of a free gift. NO SELLING
-Company banner encouraged, displayed in a high traffic area for the duration of event (you must provide banner, under 8ft in length).
-Company logo will appear as a sponsor on digital marketing, newsletters, and press releases.
-Website link posted on JBF Livonia/Novi homepage for minimum of 4 months
-Logo placement on dedicated JBF Livonia/Novi sponsorship webpage
-Logo placement on all e-tickets
-Includes 4 Prime Time shopping passes for you and your staff or your own giveaway

It is recommended that you include kid focused activities or games at your table. This works to your benefit; if the littles are busy, their grown-up can chat with you a little longer!


Event Banner Only Sponsor (10 remaining)

-Company banner displayed in high traffic area for duration of event. (you must provide banner, under 8ft in length).
-Logo placement on dedicated JBF Livonia/Novi sponsorship webpage
-Company logo will appear as a sponsor on digital marketing, newsletters, and press releases.
-Includes 2 Prime Time shopping passes for you and your staff or your own giveaway


Shopping Wagon or Cash Register Sponsorship

Highlight your company on our cash registers or wagons used for shopping! These registers and wagons are used by JBF employees and shoppers during the entirety of the sale.

-Sign affixed will say "This check-out/wagon is sponsored by: [your company]“
-QR codes are encouraged in order to send shoppers easily your website or landing page
-Logo placement on dedicated JBF Livonia/Novi sponsorship webpage
-Company logo will appear as a sponsor on digital marketing, newsletters, and press releases.
-Includes 2 Prime Time shopping passes for you and your staff or your own giveaway


Receipt Checker

Check receipts from paid customers at the door and in exchange you may hand out 1 marketing item to each shopper. Time slots available are on a first come, first served basis.


Shopping Bag Provider

Price: Cost of Bags (of your choice)

Provide the event with bags for shopper’s purchases to be used at checkout. May be plain or branded, reusable or plastic. In addition to the bags given to our
shoppers you may also place 1 marketing item in each bag if you would like to do so.


Refreshment Provider

Price: Cost of supplies (of your choice)

While our customers are waiting in line at our event we hand out bottles of water and candy/snacks. You may provide any portion(s) of these items with your logo or advertisement on them and we will pass them out to our shoppers.

Total: $0.00

Guest(s) hereby consents to the use by Organizer of his/her likeness taken during the Event and grants and conveys unto the Organizer all right, title, and interest in any and all photographic images and video or audio recordings made by the Organizer during the Guest(s) participation in any activities under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any royalties, proceeds, or other benefits derived from such photographs or recordings.

Just Between Friends Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
TicketSpice Event Ticketing Software